Haha I don't have enough iron these days because I'm a lazyarse about food so I'm yawning all day which is sooo uncool because I don't talk to anyone because of my tiredness.
Blerrg. I just drank two giant glasses of milk even though I'm not supposed to have milk because it's bad for hair.
ANYWAYS. Last night I ate freaking Dairy Queen. (Bad Vanessa, you freaking retard!! Stop trying to be American!!!)
Then I got my stuff ready for school. I picked out a lame outfit like I always do.
(pink and black skinny jeans that my mom finally shrinked, green tanktop, black and white zebra shirt, pink and black studded belt, my fugly thick jacket that my mom makes me wear, and these fishnet glove thingies kinda like this, except mine have another layer on them.
As I said, my outfits are about the same every day (shirt, skinnies, belt, jacket, glove thingies) and they are really starting to bore me.
HAHA. Look at this: http://i38.tinypic.com/533i2w.png Stop lulzing you scenie!
That's a gay kid that goes to my school.
I just remembered parts of a song.
"Download this song,
Put in your IPOD,
Fuck that, put it
On your homepage.
You’ll be the coolest kid
On fucking myspace. "
AND another part that I love:
"But have you seen my penis?
I know you have,
Cause that shit is bomb
My dicks got more friends than Tom."
Haha I know a kid named Tom.
And when I think about it, my dick probably does have more friends than him. (no offense) If I have a dick.
Haha I found a really old picture of myself and edited it.

click here to look at the whole picture.
Haha original here. This was back when my parents made me tan and I used a camera phone. My hair was real back then.
Why is this freaking gay thing doublespacing everything?
omfg it did it again.
I guess I'll go because this biotch keeps doublespacing. I guess it's upset.
Bye now!
I hope you feel better, blog thing. And that you stop doublespacing soon.
Wtf I talk to blogs.
lmfao. vanessa talks to bloogss. btw, how does your mom shrink yer skinnies? becasue i have this black tripp pair that i need to shrink. lmfao. flease respond. lulz. kbye.
the song is scene for dummies by hollywood undead
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