In summer, I got a pink wig on eBay. When I got it, it was really crappy and looked like crap. Today, I was really bored because I didn't go to school. (it says why in the previous post) So I cut the wig and layered & razored it. It was kind of complicated because the wig is synthetic and crap quality. But I made it look good. Lulz Lulz, I took some pics in my pjs and jacket.
Here's some pics of it:

Ohyes, I love it. It looks kinda like my oldoldoldoldOLD hair. Wayy back a year ago. Ohyes, I remember those days. Even though my camera is really crap quality and my parents should get me a new one or else bad things will happen, the pictures are kinda good. I started cutting hair last year and I got really good at it :D I want to cut your hair. Chop off your head and send it to me. I can't WAIIITT 'til my real hair grows back because I WANT TO CUT IT.
I have to go do my homework, kthnxbaii cya l8tr.
DA HAYL? Your old youtube video may say your not a hairdresser, but damn it you should be one.
/decapitates mai head and puts stamp on forehead
Hi! i just get to know that i have alopecia. its not so fun .. :/
I search "alopecia" on youtube. i find yoo.. wee .. hehe i just want to say that i think you're so fucking COOL. every day i look at you on youtube :] (sorry my bad englisch)
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