Friday, December 5, 2008

"Christmas Dinner" WTF!?

I can't concentrate because my mom is using the coffee grinder >,< "PEACE & LIGHT! ... OMFG NO, THAT'S MY CHICKEN!"
On Saturday, we have to go to a retirement place to have a "Xmas Dinner".
WTF? Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. It's gonna be on December 6th. That's not near Xmas. I think I went last year. Which reminds me, this year is going by pretty fast :\ That makes me sad.
Well anyways Rachael might me coming too. That way we don't have to go to Katie's house. :\ Oh shit, she's probably reading this.

I was walking towards the buses with Kayeleigh, and I saw Courtney go around the corner of my bus to get to the door. I saw her and said "COURTNEY! Courtney!"
And right after I said that, Kayeleigh turned to the left to go to her bus, and she said "I LOVE YOU!"
And I went around the corner of my bus laughing and I was liek "LOL COURTNEY, THAT WAS NOT ME. THAT WAS KAYELEIGH." (Likely story, right?) because Courtney thought I said "COURTNEY, I LOVE YOU!" And she was like "O.o"
So today in 3rd hour, she told Courtney that she said "I LOVE YOU" to Courtney. I was liek "lulz." And she told Courtney that people looked at her weird when she screamed "I LOVE YOU"

Anyways... Right now its 4:44. Ha. I'm gonna call Rachael soon and see if she can come. I am getting bored. I'm sure you are too. This is a really bad post. I have no imagination. I forget lots of funny things that happen in a day. O BTW, I DIDN'T WEAR MY WIG IN GYM ALL WEEK, GO ME! I have bad memory because every day is the same. I NEED SOMETHING EXCITING TO HAPPEN >.<
I might post something better soon.
My blog sucks :\

EDIT at 4:51 PM: Rachael came!! I didn't even call. LOL.

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