Today... I took a gallon of water.. Maybe more. And then I SPILLED IT ALL OVER MY STAINFULL CARPET. OOMFG.
:D It was very cleanful after that.
And now it's drying. I'm using a big fan. And plus also a hair blowdryer included. (<--lol)
He was proved wrong shortly after that.
Now my carpet is mostly dry except for this one annoying part. When it's dry I will vaccuum it. Did I mention that it's Thanksgiving and the food was horrible because foods that don't taste good together are mixed? It reminds me of sluts... which reminds me of Harry Potter. That slut. That concludes my carpet story. (<--nerd)
About that slut named Harry Pothead.
He's a slut.
I read this in the 5th book today:
"Well, they're writing about you as though you're this deluded, attention-seeking person who thinks he's a great tragic hero or something," said Hermione, very fast, as though it would be less unpleasant for Harry to hear these facts quickly. "They keep slipping in snide comments about you. If some far-fetched story appears they say something like 'a tale worthy of Harry Potter' and if anyone has a funny accident or anything it's 'let's hope he doesn't have a scar on his forehead or we'll be asked to worship him next--' "
YES, TRUE!!! He's a fkin attention-seeking slut.
Just like this betch:
Oh isn't it so fun sharing my knowledge of sluts and Harry Potter with nobody? You're probably only reading this if I made you...
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